The image of Lord Bo Tien portrays the need to be atop and balance the polarities or dualities of life. We cannot have only yin or only yang but need to find the fine point of combination of yin and yang, sometimes more yin and sometimes more yang.. The left hand of the lord saint in salutation bids us to be ever mindful and steady to go for yin yang balance as depicted by the feet atop the elements. The scepter in right hand depicts the mission for yin yang balance for all

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Correct yin yang approach to God is best

No 11 of Yin Yang Equations

Read why the wrong approach to God may create hell for you in life

Who would you think is closer to God and saints? Is he the one who thinks he has a long way to go before he can stand before God or the one who thinks he has already arrived and is with God and saints but actually is far way? 

The far may be near and the near far. This the lord messenger of God Lord Bo Tien did say. 

The one who thinks he has arrived and cries aloud that God is with him and he with God may well be in delusion that he can have instant or overnight union with God. 

He talks of the promise by God and that promise is a reality overnight. He lives in delusion that all the issues of men can be wished away by believing in God. But mere believe will not whisked away the issues in life. 

Such a man lives in a dream and the dream will just burst in his face and he will find himself in hell on earth. He will be in anguish and exclaim why has God forsaken him though he believes and has faith. 

The problem is that he is not alone but pulls others into his dream or delusion and they too will be in anguish when the dream bubble burst. 

The one who thinks he is far from God and saints but keeps a respectful distance and remains stoic in face of problems in life. He knows that he has long way to go and many more steps to God and saints. 

Such a man is a real rarity these days. He is usually meek, humble, realistic and pragmatic with both feet planted firmly in the ground of life and yet has confidence that one day though not soon or the next day, he will make it to God and saints. 

He suffers not in anguish while waiting to make it with God and saints. He takes satisfaction in the little progress or peace in life that he can have moment by moment. 

He is the man of the moment but unlike other men of moment who have no vision, he has a vision but is never a victim of anguish just because the vision cannot be realized overnight. He has a vision but is neither a fatalist (nothing else matters except the now) nor a dreamer. He is near to God and saints though far. 

He has yin yang balance in life, neither myopic and going for the moment without any vision at all nor long sighted with presbyopia and deluded (cannot live in the now and living in a big dream bubble of being the immediate choice of God and saints). 

There should be good yin yang balance with no blindness, myopia nor presbyopia but good proper balanced sightedness or vision in life. That way one is near to God though far at the moment. 

The true man of God is not blind to life and God. He also has yin yang balance and sees life in good vision, neither dreamer nor short sighted. 

Correct yin yang balance in approach to God is best. But not many can make it, for many will be out of balance and may end up fanatical somehow. But they will still learn. God will bless them, even if due to their views, they are in their own created hell but they will not be in hell for long. God is benevolent. 

Correct yin yang balance in approach to God is best if one is to avoid creating that really hell of a mess for oneself due to imbalance of yin yang approach.

Correct yin yang approach to God is best if we are not to be in hell of a life and create hell for others' lives because of our wrong orientation or erring ways. Cult culture is also one such consequence. 

For the other posts in series, go to Index of posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Yin Yang approach to a mission

No 10 of Yin Yang Equations 

For the other posts in series, go to Index of posts

There will be those who jump at the chance to take over a temple or mission though they are not really inclined spiritually. They take over a building and credit of running social services such as welfare activities but they cannot and are not capable of taking over mission or doctrine. 

They hide behind charity and status. They relish the chance to excel and be recognised by society. They however shy from knowing more doctrine and spreading of doctrine for fear of being ridiculed and losing face. 

They are not convinced and won over by doctrine. They may in fact be sort of very embarrassed by doctrine. They go for face value and are not men of substance for the lord saint of that temple or mission. 

This in a way is pathetic but if you care to have insight, it is these people who should be inducted even if they are not up to the mark. They are like those out there whom the lord saint of that temple wants to reach out to and save with doctrine. 

The lord saint cannot depend on the few who know much more for such knowing ones actually will not be able to come down to level of those who know not. 

It is those who know not but capable of some interest albeit the wrong motives who can truly be counted to project a less threatening spiritual image of the temple or mission. 

No "holier than thou" people will be able to fit the bill to make those out there to identify with the lord saint of that temple for the mission. Those destined to run a temple or mission will invariably be those who are not holy yet not unholy. 

If these people can make it spiritually a little more, those out there will be able to do so as well. We need the balance between those who know allot and those who know nothing. The middle ground or less than the middle ground can cement the gap.

We need those who are less or little motivated in doctrine to attract those out there who are worse off than them or a bit like them, not those who stay in lofty towers because they know more. 

This is the moderated or yin yang approach to a mission or temple in projecting the Word or Doctrine of God and his saints. 

Thus do not try to find perfection in the leadership of a temple, church or mission. You will not find any because they are few in number and will not be in that temple or church. 

So the next time you find the occasional leader of a church or temple wanting, please reflect and be mindful why God and saints prefer people like him in leadership position. 

Thus even in a mission related temple of Lord Bo Tien, there will likely also be those at the helm of management who are embarrassed by the the Four Pillar Doctrine of the lord saint that all religions are one in God. 

They often dare not even mention the doctrine to others. You may think that they should not be there but the lord saint thinks differently. That deserves our reflection and cognizance. 

Thus in a modern church or temple, you will find strange bedfellows at the helm who are impressive eloquent and charismatic. They are that much more awesome as speakers and they are better at it than spiritual masters because they can act and act well the part. 

They are more effective than the true masters at galvanizing and moving the masses. They are not ignorant but definitely also not the best. But they fit the role  as public speakers and many can identify with them. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Yin yang balance in approach to worship

No 9 of Yin Yang Equations

For the other posts in series, go to Index of posts

Whoever says that a man does not know God if he misconceives God as having an image is both right and wrong. Nobody knows how God looks like or for that matter how a heavenly saint looks like. But God or heavenly saint has no issue if man chooses to conceive him in one way or other. 

What is important is how a man conducts himself as a result of his belief in God or saint? What is important is the Word or Doctrine. The Word is God. 

There must be that special motivation as a result of his belief in God. The Word is the motivation. But there is need to rationalize this motivation and the way to do so is to conceptualize God as a form or image though God and saints are really beyond form. 

But not having a physical concept or just a simple visualization of God is a limitation to one's attempt to know God and saints, for that image even if not correct acts as the nucleus to grow the faith and the Word in God. 

However if one just goes by the image and that becomes the end and not the means, one will end up idolising the image. He will end up not knowing and worshiping God. He will never know the Word for he is an idol worshipper. He idolizes the image as God and not God. That is one extreme. 

The other extreme is to think that there is no need for portrayal of God or saint in any form for then many will end up not focus on God less his Word and see God as Man and Man as Word. Thus this will be fertile ground for cult to arise. Follies against the law of the land may fester as such. 

There must be balance between the two approaches or extremes. This is one wholesome example of yin yang balance. The image is not God but man uses it to depict God. It is merely a nucleus for faith in God and the nucleus to focus and grow the Doctrine that God and his saints represent. The Word is God. 

The image is the Doctrine and the Doctrine is the image. Lord Bo Tien has said this before. He who sees the image sees the Word and he who sees the Word knows and sees God and saints. He who knows not the Word worships the image as God or saint but knows not and worships not God or saint.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Knowing the yin yang equations in life

No 8 of Yin Yang Equations

For other posts in series, go to Index of posts

Yin and yang attributes are of opposites but they are complementary like fire and water or sun and rain. They are often antagonistic and opposing but yet often synergistic. They are polarities on the same axis. 

Good and the not-good are polarities on the axis of morality. Birth and death are polarities of life. We cannot only dwell on one as though the other does not exist or matter. There must invariably be some counterbalance of sorts but less of the unavoidable conflict. This is in a way moderation as such and dynamic at that, as well as productive in nature, not destructive or conflicting. 

Thus, if we live as though religion does not matter or if we live as though religion is all that counts, then life will be unreal and woolly. 

If we want to live, we must not fear death. If we want to be man, we must be prepared to be saint and if we want to be saint, we must learn to be man. 

But let not the opposites or polar positions cause conflict in the moment. We must live in the polarity of the moment but be mindful of the reality of the other polarity. 

If the polarity of the moment is that we must be a family member, we must do justice to that but be mindful that we are a member of the church family as well. 

That would take a back seat for the moment but would moderate how we behave in the family. Our morale conscience takes root in the church family and that motivates us to be better at being family to the whole family. 

But if the polarity of the moment is that we are part of the church as on Sunday church activities, we must be wholehearted in that but do not forget that we have the earthly or biological family. We do not go overboard and devote all our time and resources to the church and neglect the family. 

The same applies when the polarities of loyalty is concerned such as loyalty to the land and loyalty to God and saints. Give to God what is due to God and to Man what is due to Man. We do not go for one and forget the other. 

At any one moment, there must always be focus on one polarity with the other moderating it at the background. The focus may change depending on the issue at hand but always there will be the other interacting or moderating at the background. 

This is yin yang interaction in the many yin yang equations of life. There is equilibrium but dynamic equilibrium. 

Sometimes, the reaction is more on one polarity, that is more towards one side and sometimes towards the other but always there is equilibrium as in chemical or biological equilibrium. 

In equilibrium, one polarity affects the other but there is need for dynamic shift to one side or the other but always dictated by needs. There is ever the dynamic balance. This is the yin yang balance in life. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Untying the knots of life

No 7 of Yin Yang Equations

For other posts of series, go to Index of posts

The easy going days of yesteryear seem far removed. Nothing seems to be as before. This is to be expected but what can we do? 

Please do remember that whatever we do, we can and should do better but we may not feel as good as before. Time marches on. Times have changed. We change as well. Expectations change as well. 

This is what we know as progress. How sad can this be! But can we do with less and must we go for more? 

Well, we just have to go along and move on. There is one quality which a few have which many do not. 

What is this quality? It is not how much we can have or could accomplish. It is how at peace we can be or the level of satisfaction in moment to moment life we can have whatever the outcome in what we do in our day to day life or how we can make our daily life to be. It is how we can cope with society demands and our own in the way there will be peace somehow whatever the outcome.

Of course, there is need to moderate expectations both of society and of oneself. But if we could not, then are we not going to do something about it. 

Try to moderate expectations but if this is still not enough, then what can we turn to or who can we turn to! God and saints above will be the recourse but then we obviously need to lower and moderate expectations of God and saints as well. 

We must not make them out to be what we want them to be and what we want them to do for us. We should ask why would they want to help us and what they would and could do for us. 

This boils down to having less expectations or strife and going for more life with less or if possible no strife. We need God and saints to help, to make things easier but we cannot expect the sky out of them. We cannot expect all that we want to drop down literally from the sky. 

The strife we have is because of the many ups and downs and because of the many competing demands on our limited resources and time. We cannot wish our problems and strife away but we can ask for heavenly blessings to have the resilience and disposition to cope with more of life and at an easier pace. 

God and saints cannot take over our life but they can do a thing or two to straighten out issues in life, tweak life here and there, help us sort and arrange our life and that way life may seem easier and work out more smoothly. 

Ji Gong for instance can use his golden fan to fan out the knots and backlog of problems in life, the yin and yang of life. He can even out the yin and yang so that we can move on more easily to relive and rebuilt our life. 

Ji Gong Huo Fo

Then, we can somehow have head start again but we still need to live our own life. Ji Gong and other saints cannot live life for us.