The image of Lord Bo Tien portrays the need to be atop and balance the polarities or dualities of life. We cannot have only yin or only yang but need to find the fine point of combination of yin and yang, sometimes more yin and sometimes more yang.. The left hand of the lord saint in salutation bids us to be ever mindful and steady to go for yin yang balance as depicted by the feet atop the elements. The scepter in right hand depicts the mission for yin yang balance for all

Monday, September 23, 2013

The same one way of all saints

No 19 of Yin Yang Equations 

For other posts in the series, go to Index of posts

No one would even imagine that the concept of yin and yang is applicable to any religious system. Men is far from God because of the wrong they have done and cannot be near to God though God would want to be near to all men. 

Men have erred in handling life. Men are troubled by life and are not at peace, not pure enough to be at peace because men are restless and disturbed by the worldly matters which often fall into opposing contingencies like praise and blame, gain and loss, growing and ageing, storms and calm seas. The list is endless. 

Men may even blame God for men think God is omnipotent but yet helpless and not helpful. But men must realise this. 

The world and universe we are in are in a flux and comprises various forces and energies in dynamic interactions. These include mental forces and all do separate men from God and saints. 

Men must be able to handle them and be atop and at peace so that men will not be swept around and backslide and be further away from God, so that men could walk the straighter road to God and saints. Thus it is yin yang issues that separate and distance men from God. 

Resolving the way to handle, to balance, to live and to be atop and ride the yin and yang of life will bring peace. Then men are near God and saints even though men are in the world of yin and yang. 

As long as men exist, men cannot run away from yin and yang and not even in afterlife, be it in some corners of heaven or elsewhere. So men must wake up and resolve to cross the mountains, seas, desert with scorching sun and drought of life by being not affected, conditioned and submerged by and be at the mercy of the harshness, deceptions and conflicts of yin and yang. 

Happiness in life is just prelude of sorrow. Living is just the prelude of dying. Men must not be at mercy of life - the yin and yang of life. 

God and saints had overcome the yin and the yang to be at peace with  and masters of yin and yang. We must learn to be like them.

Only when we do not go after yin and yang and think we can run away from yin and yang but only when we willed to be not affected by yin and yang, can we be at peace and be with God and saints. 

We do not wait till afterlife for the promised land but we are there in this life the moment we arrive at yin yang balance, for then our peace from yin yang balance merges with the peace of God and saints. Some refer to the latter as the holy spirit. 

Surely we can make it. Practice makes perfect. The way or Tao to God and saints is one through balance of yin and yang. All saints teach this same way but they do not use terms like Tao or yin and yang. 

Even Jesus way is the same. Just ponder and give some thought and then we will be more insightful. Didn't Jesus say, "I am the way the truth and the light...." ?

He did show men the way but to the people of his time in ancient Rome where the unthinkable happened, he rightly added that "no men can go to God but through him" and the way he showed. 

But perhaps, his perspective of the way to God may be the best for many men who would otherwise be lost and far from God. God is kind and he gives great choices of the various religions and sects. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Yin and yang leadership in a temple

No 18 of Yin Yang Equations 

For the other posts in series, go to Index of posts

Yin is soft or passive and yang is hard or active. We can say that yin is female and yang male. Yin and yang work together and yet can counter each other. 

The countering can be negative or positive. In yang, there is also yin but there is more yang than yin. In yin, there is also yang but there is more yin than yang. 

Yin and yang can be in perfect harmony only in perfection like in the realms of the saints. But in lower dimensions or realms, there is no such perfection but often they serve to counter one another and cause problems because there is imbalance. 

But more often, if there is some spirituality in men, yin and yang do check one another in positive way but this is not as ideal as yin yang harmony of the saints. 

That is why in the mission related temple of Lord Bo Tien, the good lord appoints a religious leader and a management leader. Such two key systems or duality is found in any spiritual society, or temple. 

The religious leader is more on the religious side but he too has management and non religious role and strength  Likewise the management leader is more on the management side but he too has religious role and knowledge. 

Both leaders in human setting of any society or temple are not in harmony all the time but yet more often than not, they can complement one another through checks and balance. If they collide at times this is not good but as they do check and balance each other and keep each other on their toes, they complement each other. 

Woe befalls a temple if either one gets rid of the other and wants to go it alone. Then yin and yang no longer complements one another through checks and balance. Such a situation is not wholesome in any temple, more so in a mission related temple of Lord Bo Tien. 

Incidentally, if there is weakness of religious leadership and a credible one cannot be there in a temple, then alternatively, a spiritual or religious council of a few men would provide the collective religious leadership to fill the void. 

This was mooted by representatives of the lord saint for the mission related temple of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien after passing on of the religious leader and medium. But human issues intervened even before the implementation strategy could be worked out.