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One of the striking points with regards to the saint Ji Gong is that he is ever always very much simple and very direct. He speaks frankly and does not go around talking in riddles or beating round the bush.
He speaks plainly and directly as well as precisely. What is black is black and what is white is white.
If he can help you, he will tell you and if he has difficulty in telling you what you must do say in sorting out a health problem, he will say so but still open the way to a better solution.
No problem or issue is too big or small. All issues big or small will be no issue in the end even if there is no solution in the horizon.
What he likes us to know if we are ready to know is that what all of us need to have is to seek out the peace of life in whatever we do.
It is not that we deny or run away from life but we handle life in the most optimal and simple way so as not to create more issues but to have less but more of the peace in life.
We need to come to terms with life, with our own as well as with life around us. We are intertwined with the world but this does not mean we cannot be in control of our being, with our very soul so to speak.
We need, Ji Gong will ever say, to be at peace. Are we at peace? Why are we still not at peace despite being spiritual and knowing God and saints.
Of course, the more we know the more we may still be blind to the basic simplicity of truth and not grasp the basic behind the teachings of the saints.
What we need to know is just plain simple and it is that we need to be at peace and all boils down to balancing the many contending needs and emotions we have.
Ji Gong never fails to utter the few simple words to us but only when we are ready to know. It is this, "Balance yin and yang."
We need to balance the yin and yang in any matters or issues with life. This applies to both secular and spiritual.
Ji Gong speaks directly and plainly and will leave you with a simple advice or solution, with a mere few words and perhaps with the usual waves of his golden fan.
There are no secrets of Heaven and even if there are, they are not actually secrets which cannot be revealed but that we may not be ready to know.
If you are not ready even the short phrase, "Balance yin and yang" may not make sense and any impact as yet.
There was once when he told the writer that the writer was associated with him in the immediate past life, and will have three such lives associated with him, including the next.
Isn't this encroaching on the so-called secrets of Heaven? They say the secrets of Heaven cannot be revealed. But Ji Gong don't seem to subscribe to that. This is Ji Gong after all. This is indeed him.
He speaks plainly from the heart but only if you are ready to know and it will benefit you to know.